The Luminary:
Lumina AI Research
Dive into our groundbreaking research on Random Contrast Learning (RCL) and its applications.
Lumina RCL Mastery of Tabular Data
ABSTRACT Abstract— In collaboration with Lumina AI, this research discusses the effectiveness of Random Contrast Learning (Lumina RCL) on a variety of tabular datasets in comparison to more traditional methods of machine learning. It describes how well Lumina RCL...
Redefining Words: The Simple Power of RCL in Text Classification
ABSTRACT Abstract—In collaboration with Lumina AI, this paper highlights the effectiveness of the Lumina RCL model in text classification. We evaluate three diverse and challenging datasets, comparing Lumina RCL's performance against traditional machine learning and...
Binary Classification Comparison using Neural Networks and RCL
1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Although Deep Learning has enjoyed tremendous success and growth in recentyears, it continues to be costly and time consuming. Computations in deep learning are so intensive that a suite of hardware processors has been adapted or...
Scaling RCL Language Models
April 21, 2022 Authored by: Dr. Morten Middelfart, Sam Martin, and Ben Martin Abstract In this paper, we demonstrate that RCL scales sublinearly with dataset size and linearly with compute. We also indicate how RCL both differs from transformer architecture and...